Storage and discharge of animal meal
Bulk Solids Logistic Plant
For Meat & Bone Meal
Lafarge, Germany

Storage and discharge of animal meal
Bulk goods / properties and technical challenge:
Animal meal with different water & fat contents (slightly to strongly cohesive). Fats liquefy when exposed to heat (during summer period).
Task / Application:
Design of material flow from takeover of meat-and-bone meal off trucks up to the infeed of the rotary kiln.
Truck unloading station with pneumatic conveying into a MULTIGON silo. The special design of the MULTIGON silo provides best insulation - resulting in minimum fat melting. Discharge and pre-dosing of the animal meal by our beam discharge system. Integration of a weigh feeder. Pneumatic conveying system for feeding the furnace. Key data of our solution: Engineering and realization: MULTIGON silo with a capacity of 400 m³, Oszillomat, pneumatic conveying system, plant control unit.
Engineering and realization:
MULTIGON silo with a capacity of 400 m³, Oszillomat, pneumatic conveying system, plant control unit.